1 1/4″ Dura plus tops are standard on this series. Choose your layout: L-desk, U-shape, drawer configuration, and storage needs to complete your office. Available in 3 colors. In Stock
Sale $699 reg $1095
Questions? Please Call us at the following locations:
Minnesota Office: 952-541-9785
Wisconsin Office: 262-781-7707
1 1/4″ Dura plus tops are standard on this series. Choose your layout: L-desk, U-shape, drawer configuration, and storage needs to complete your office. Available in 3 colors. In Stock
Sale $699 reg $1095
Product Number: D114
Is your family’s office desk or workstation often shared? There are many ways to create a partner desk. This custom desk utilizes an angled corner with an open table desk to create a shared workspace.
Product Number: D107
Pick your color: 20 colors available (white shown here). Pick your handle: silver and black available (silver shown here). Pick your size: corner desk with storage (6′ x 9′ shown here) and 6′ book case with 3′ x 6′ table with casters.
Product Number: D130
This 6′ x 6′ metal leg series offers clean, simple lines. By adding cabinets and files, work-space and storage needs are fulfilled. Pick your size, color, and handle design to complete the look.
Product Number: D124
Our custom laminate series offers the ability to design your office. Shown: three 6′ x 6′ angled corner desks with hutches.
Product Number: D125